perficial!” Feeling the ups and downs of my mood, I couldn’t help but secretly despise myself.

perficial!” Feeling the ups and downs of my mood, I couldn’t help but secretly despise myself.
After a long journey of nearly five hours and more than 500 kilometers, the three of us in a car finally arrived in Bordeaux at 6 p.m.
However, we don’t know whether our good luck has finally come to an end or something. We visited two hotels in a row, and either there were no rooms available or there were only one or two rooms left.
At this time, Mr. Wang asked what day it was today. When Brother Yang and I looked at the calendar on our mobile phones, we suddenly realized that we regretted it because today is Friday, the weekend, a day for Europeans to take a leisurely vacation. In some popular tourist attractions, if you don’t book a room in advance and make a last-minute reservation, it’s usually difficult to get what you want, especially for tourists like us who need three rooms at once.
Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, and the three hotels on the list in advance were all full or about to be full, Brother Yang and I began to get anxious. If I had known this, I should have called and made a reservation last night or this morning.
At this moment, Mr. Wang spoke and asked Brother Yang to drive back to the hotel with two rooms in front and reserve the room first. Otherwise, if you pick here and there, you will regret it when you don’t even have a room.
It seems that this is the only way to go.
Our luck is not completely unlucky. When we returned to the Novotel hotel twenty minutes later, no new guests came in, and there were still two rooms left, one single room and one standard room.
/So, I, who was responsible for booking the room, had no time to hesitate and quickly booked the room.
There are two rooms and three beds. Logically speaking, the three of us can sleep there. If it were me, Brother Yang and Brother Qiang who were traveling this time, the accommodation issue would not be a problem. I slept in a single room, and Brother Qiang and Brother Yang slept in a standard room, which was just right.
However, the problem is that Brother Qiang didn’t come. When Mr. Wang came, Brother Yang and I were the bosses, so this problem was a bit difficult to handle.
First of all, it is the most appropriate and appropriate arrangement for the boss to sleep alone in a large bed room, but in this case, Brother Yang and I can only sleep in the same room. Although we have separate beds, there are differences between men and women. I would rather go It’s impossible to stay in the car all night and sleep in the same room with Brother Yang.
However, it would be inappropriate for me to sleep on the big bed and for Mr. Wang and Brother Qiang to sleep in the standard room. The boss paid for the apartment and paid us wages, but in the end we were asked to share the house with his employees. This is unjustifiable.
Moreover, while chatting last night about people’s quirks, Mr. Wang joked that he himself had a “quirk”, that is, he was not used to sleeping in the same bed with people of the same sex. He s

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